Great Commission
Since the Messiah issued the Great Commission almost 2000 years ago, we can finally conceive of its fulfillment. The majority of the world has heard the Good News that the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) has all authority in heaven and on earth so that we might be set free from bondage to sin. We fulfill our responsibility in The Great Commission by teaching the truth about sin and redemption and serving the spiritual needs of others through spiritual healing.
Many people do not understand the truth about sin. Sin is anything that is not God’s will. Hence, people are in sin whenever we operate in any way that is outside of God’s will for our lives. We must first seek God and an intimate relationship with Him to know what His will is for our lives. Then we must allow the knowledge of His will for us to change us and our lives, as a result. Reading the Bible, fellowshipping with other believers, prayer, fasting and worship all allow us to improve our relationship with God, learning more about Him and His will for us. Without this relationship with Him, we will ultimately self-destruct, leading to eternity apart from God. All sin leads to physical and spiritual death. Father God sent His only Son, Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ), so that we do not have to experience ultimate death — separation from God.
When individuals sin, we open ourselves up to physical as well as spiritual consequences. The physical consequences come in the forms of poor health and death. Spiritual consequences come as spiritual attacks upon our households and families (with discord and strife or generationally-passed poor habits / addictive behaviors) as well as mental strongholds of confusion and commitment to lifestyles of sin. Once we commit to sin in any area of life, we learn to become effective at that sin, we create lies and false foundations in our lives to cover up the sin, and we begin to convince ourselves and others that we are not sin. This delusion, denial and deception form a tight web to keep anyone in sin committed to the sin and resulting lifestyle. Through teaching, fellowship and spiritual healing, we allow God to use us as He delivers His people from bondage to sin.