True Spiritual Worship
In preparation for the Messiah’s return, The Truth In The Spirit is joining believers all over the world in allowing God to transform our worship so that our offerings are pleasing to our God. As one Body we should worship God, with one Voice we should praise Him. The following teachings help us to develop the tenet of Worship in Spirit and in Truth in the global Body.
The earthly tabernacle and temples were set up as replicas of heaven. As such, they are models for us to learn how to enter into the presence of God. There is a spiritual revelation for us in every command God gave to the priests and kings for worship in the tabernacle and temples. We must be prepared to enter into God’s presence; preparation may come through Bible study, teaching and training. We must be in covenant with God by accepting His salvation through Yeshua (Jesus). We must be purified through the cleansing of our sins by Yeshua’s Blood; hence, confession and repentance are important before we offer up praise and worship. Then we can joyfully worship God in various ways. This ushers us into God’s presence so that we might receive revelation from Him and submit our requests to Him. Teachings on Order are based upon the following Scriptures:
1 Corinthians 14:26-33, 2 Kings 22 & 22 with 2 Chronicles 34 & 35, Hebrews 8:1-10:31
For more on this subject, view the description of temple worship as an example.
Pure Worship
God desires pure, spiritual worship. We must personally present ourselves to Him daily that we may be cleansed of our sins and filled with His Spirit. Only then are we free to revere Him for His power, adore Him for His character, thank Him for His mercy, and devote ourselves to His service— this is worship. Teachings on Pure Worship are based on the following Scriptures: Romans 12:1, Psalm 24:3-4, Psalm 95, Titus 2:11-15, 1 John 1:5-10, Psalm 119:9-10
Identity and Diversity
If we are to worship the Messiah on earth when He returns and worship God in heaven for all eternity, we must begin now to worship as one Body. Geographical, ethnic, national, racial, gender, denominational and other barriers should not prohibit us from worshipping God together. We must rejoice in other people groups so that we might appreciate the varying ways and reasons for which we all praise God. This must begin with individual believers understanding and appreciating ourselves so that we can worship God through our own identity, not the identity and ways of other people or people groups. Teachings on Identity and Diversity are based upon the following Scriptures:Revelation 7:4-10 & 15:3-4, Psalms 67, 96, 139 & 150, Isaiah 2:1-4 & 56:3-8, Zechariah 14:16-19 Anointed Praise When we, as believers, worship God with all we have, with all we are, and without restraint, an anointing from His Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) falls upon us to minister before Him and His people in various ways. We can only truly praise God with the anointing that comes from God. Anointed praise pleases Him. Teachings on Anointed Praise are based upon the following Scriptures:1 Samuel 10:9-11, 1 Samuel 16:14-23, 2 Chronicles 5:12-14, Isaiah 61:1-3, Ephesians 5:15-20