Let’s Connect

The Truth In The Spirit would like to stay connected with you. If you have any questions, prayer needs, or if you would like to get involved please use the form below to let us know we will be sure to contact you soon.

Get Involved

The Truth In The Spirit has various volunteer opportunities. Please use the GET INVOLVED form, here. We’ll contact you soon!

Intercessory Prayer

We would like to pray for you and with you. Please list below all of your intercessory prayer needs (be specific).

We will faithfully pray with you and share with you any Scriptures or revelations we receive concerning your prayer requests. As you pray, the Lord will respond with instructions for you to meet Him where He is working in your life and ministry, business or organization. As you obey these instructions, watch God move in the areas about which you are praying. Then share your praise reports with us! You may also join us in praying for others.

    Share with us your prayer needs, praise reports and desire to help below.