The Truth In the Spirit has partnered with Maoz Israel in international outreach to Ethiopian Jews through financially supporting Hebrew-speaking Ethiopian Jewish Congregations in Israel like Joseph’s congregation.  Support of this move of God is starting to bring down cultural, racial and ethnic strongholds of division while empowering the Body of Messiah to truly move in unity.

Shani Ferguson of Maoz Israel writes,

“Regardless of the obstacles that immigrants face when coming home to their Land, one of the things that stoke the fires burning within us is to help them to get a firm footing.

Joseph stands on the Mount of Olives and prays for Jerusalem
Photo Credit: Maoz Israel

After all is said and done, we are passionate about making believers STRONG in Israel.

Ethiopian believers in particular face excommunication from their close knit communities when they make a stand for Yeshua. We need to have a warm community ready and waiting to embrace them.

The time is ripe for us to be able to make a significant impact on the Ethiopian community here in Israel – and in turn for them to make a significant impact on the Body of believers in this land. Joseph’s congregation is pioneering a movement.

Western Wall, Jerusalem
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock

To read more articles, visit,

When Ethiopian Jews Came Home

To directly support Hebrew speaking Ethiopian Jewish Congregations like Joseph’s, visit

Monthly partnership is encouraged.