We experienced the Presence of ADONAI (the LORD) on March 8th, 2008 at
Ecclesia 2008: Seeking God’s Presence to Take Back Our City
an annual worship event hosted by The Truth In The Spirit.
Ecclesia 2008 Seeking God’s Presence to Take Back Our City
Saturday, March 8th, from 4 to 7pm
At Living Faith Christian Center
14901 Warwick Blvd. Newport News
Host Pastors: Revs Salvatore & Matisha Dentu
LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people.” – Exodus 13:21-22
Order of Service
Sound the Shofar——————————–Rabbi Carlson
Invocation——————————– Pastor Matisha Dentu
Worship——————————–Congregation Zion’s Sake
Iglesia Cristiana Oasis de Vida
Welcome and Intro————————-Prophetess Smith
Welcome————————- Pastor Salvatore Dentu
Healing the Land————————- Prophetess Smith
Taking the Land————————- Prophetess Smith
- Yeshua’s Prayer for Glory for Father and Son
- Warring Spirit—Anti-Messiah (Anti-Christ)
Intro Congregation Zion’s Sake - Yeshua’s Prayer for Obedience and Protection
- Warring Spirit—Pride of Man
Intro Temple of Peace Church - Yeshua’s Prayer for Sanctifying Power of Truth
- Warring Spirits—Violence and Denial
Intro Abyssinia Baptist Church
Intro Holy Tabernacle Church of Deliverance - Yeshua’s Prayer for Faith and World Revival
- Warring Spirits—Reason and World Conquest
Intro Iglesia Cristiana Oasis de Vida
Intro Living Faith Christian Center
Warfare Prayer
Coming Together for Action Rev. Brown, OBT
Israeli War Dance Congregation Zion’s Sake
Benediction Pastor Salvatore Dentu
Dismiss for Fellowship Dinner
Download the teaching booklet for this worship event:
“Healing the Land, Taking the Land“
ECCLESIA 2008- What a marvelous time had by all to truly come together as one community, one body in Christ and experience REVELATION 5:9-
And they sang a new song:
“You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals,
because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation.
It was indeed an honor to be in the midst of what our Father is doing for our community. We are excited about taking our promised inheritance back!
Elders David and Illa Hamlette
Living Faith Christian Center-Newport News, VA.
It was truly a blessing to worship with so many other believers from various backgrounds, ethnicities and denominations at Ecclesia 2008. I recall the Lord’s instructions to me about preparing the sanctuary for the worship event. I was specifically commanded to push all of the chairs up against the wall so that we could worship in the center of the floor together. Additionally, I was commanded to place a table at the altar. On this table, I was to light 7 candles on a golden candela-brum, place loaves of bread on a golden plate and burn incense on the table as well. At the foot of the table, the Spirit led me to lay my sword and shield. song about Jews and Gentiles being one in the Messiah, the dancers grabbed the hands of almost everyone else there, and we all danced together. Had I not moved the chairs, there wouldn’t have been enough space. Next, the pantomime dance ministry of Iglesia Cristiana Oasis de Vida (Oasis of Life Church) ministered a song about returning to God and coming to His golden altar. When the words about the golden altar were sung, they all turned and pointed to the table God had commanded me to put at the altar. Then, the song continued to sing about us being built for war (hence the sword and shield at the foot of the table). It was so clear to me that the preparation of the sanctuary for this event had been essential. The last song ministered in dance that day sang of the anointing of God being present in the sanctuary. It truly was and everyone felt it. The worship led by the two ministries ushered in the Spirit of God in a mighty way, and we all ministered to each other, prayed together, danced together and ate together as ONE IN HIM. Thanks to everyone who was involved!
–Prophetess Markita Smith
Ministry Leader, The Truth In The Spirit
which, according to the Webster’s New American Dictionary, means “to unite or merge into one body.”
But since I am not a woman of a few words, or just one, I have to explain to
went to the movies to see “10,000 B.C” and for those who haven’t seen the movie and desire to, I will try my best not to give it all away.
The Lord blessed us by showing us the idea of Ecclesia in this movie as
peoples of different tribes, colors, races, and languages all came together to “free their people from the one who had set himself up in a temple as the “Almighty One.” Just as Satan thru sin keeps people in bondage, this Almighty One had done the same; sending warriors from place to place to steal, kill, destroy, and plunder and return slaves to build the temple for him. But there had been a prophecy that there would be one who would be able to speak to the ‘spirit’ of the animals and unite the people together to defeat this “Almighty One” who seemed to have all the power.
The coming together of these different people groups in this movie was
replayed before my eyes as I watched the praise dance teams, and Rabbi
Carlson speak, and the other pastors from different churches; even those of leadership rose to speak that night. I confess, I am grateful that the Lord had my husband with me on this night, because I probably could not have contained the jubilance I felt. It is a difference when the Lord blesses you with an understanding of His vision, but to see it manifest in the physical
realm, knowing it was spoken by Him to His prophet in His spiritual realm
causes such an increase in faith that even the faith becomes unexplainable.
I believe if we, that attended and believe that the Lord is moving us to a
place of “amalgamation,” tell it to others, then Ecclesia will spark a flame
that will burn thru the divisions and walls that keep us from completely
uniting as One New Man.
Minister Veronica F. Patterson
Genesis One Creations
Pastors Salvatore and Matisha Dentu, the Praise Team
and the Living Faith Christian Center Family
Rabbi Eric and Rebbitzin Barb Carlson, the Dance Team
and the Congregation Zion’s Sake Family
Rev. Kevin Brown and
Operation Breaking Through
Rev. Clint Hardy, Jr. and
JTC Life Changing Center
Pastor Karen Wilson, Rev. Jacquelyn Quash
and the Temple of Peace Church Family
Pastor Gladys Lopez, the Praise Dance Ministry
and La Familia de La Iglesia Cristiana Oasis de Vida
Elder Kermit Jones, Sister Demetra Kee
and the Holy Tabernacle Church of Deliverance Family
Pastor Richard Patrick
and the Abyssinia Baptist Church Family
The Company of Apostles and Prophets